International Symposium on Healthy Mangrove and Sustainable Fisheries for Climate Resilient Coastal Community in South Asia

 International Symposium on Healthy Mangrove and Sustainable Fisheries for Climate Resilient Coastal Community in South Asia

Khulna, Bangladesh – March 01-03, 2023 – Khulna University served as the vibrant hub for the International Symposium, where experts, researchers, and stakeholders converged to address pressing issues facing coastal communities in South Asia. Day 1 commenced with insightful sessions exploring the intricate nexus between food security, coastal aquaculture, and tidal forest ecosystems. Discussions in Session 2 delved into strategies for fostering sustainable aquaculture and fisheries practices across South Asia, emphasizing the importance of balancing economic development with environmental conservation. A dynamic panel discussion in Session 3 underscored the imperative of an ecosystem approach, bridging coastal livelihoods and biodiversity conservation. The Poster Session provided a platform for showcasing innovative research and community initiatives in the field. Day 2 continued the momentum with engaging Poster Sessions and sessions examining the vulnerability context and coping strategies of coastal communities in the face of climate change. Inclusive market development and value chains were explored as crucial components for ensuring equitable economic opportunities in Session 2. A stimulating panel discussion in Session 3 delved into policy options for fostering climate-resilient coastal food systems in South Asia, emphasizing the need for collaborative, evidence-based approaches. Day 3 offered participants a unique opportunity to witness firsthand the challenges and opportunities in coastal communities during a field trip to Dacope, Khulna. Highlights included visits to the world’s largest mangrove forest, close interactions with IMA pilot farmers, and observations of community-based fish processing and marketing facilities. The visit to BANOJIBI provided valuable insights into mangrove-based livelihoods and integrated farming practices, showcasing the resilience and ingenuity of local communities. The Symposium concluded with a renewed commitment to collaborative action, acknowledging the critical role of healthy mangroves and sustainable fisheries in building climate-resilient coastal communities across South Asia.

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