1. Unveiling the Impacts of Marine Litter

From Trash to Threat: Understanding Marine Litter’s Impact

Millions of tons of plastic waste enter our oceans every year, creating a global environmental crisis. This session delves into the devastating impact of marine litter on coastal ecosystems, exploring its journey from land to sea and the ecological and socio-economic consequences it unleashes. By understanding the severity of the threat, we can pave the way for effective solutions.

  • Explore the various sources and pathways of marine litter, particularly plastic pollution, reaching coastal ecosystems.
  • Discuss the ecological consequences of marine litter on aquatic life, food webs, and ecosystem health.
  • Analyze the socio-economic impacts of marine litter on coastal communities, including impacts on fisheries, tourism, and human health.
  • Highlight successful research initiatives and monitoring programs for assessing the extent and impact of marine litter.

2. Transforming Litter into Livelihoods

Waste to Wealth: Sustainable Solutions for Marine Litter and Community Resilience

Marine litter doesn’t have to be a dead end. This session explores the concept of turning waste into a valuable resource. We will showcase innovative approaches to collecting, recycling, and upcycling marine litter, highlighting their potential to create sustainable livelihoods for coastal communities. This session explores the exciting intersection of environmental responsibility and economic opportunity.

  • Explore innovative approaches and technologies for marine litter collection, recycling, and upcycling.
  • Discuss the potential of creating sustainable livelihoods through waste management initiatives in coastal communities.
  • Showcase successful case studies of communities transforming marine litter into valuable resources.

Explore opportunities for promoting social enterprises and circular economy models to address marine litter and support community development.

3. Tackling the Source: Land-Based Solutions for a Cleaner Ocean

Beyond the Coast: Addressing Land-Based Sources of Marine Litter

Plastic pollution in our oceans doesn’t magically appear. It originates from land-based activities like improper waste disposal. This session focuses on identifying the root causes of marine litter and exploring effective strategies at the source. We will discuss innovative waste management solutions, policy interventions, and responsible consumption habits, all aimed at preventing plastic pollution from reaching our oceans in the first place.

  • Analyze the major sources of plastic pollution originating from land-based activities.
  • Discuss effective strategies for waste reduction, improved waste management infrastructure, and promoting responsible consumption habits.
  • Explore the role of policy interventions, regulations, and economic incentives in tackling land-based sources of marine litter.

Highlight successful models of integrated waste management systems that contribute to a cleaner ocean.

4. Science Meets Policy: Charting a Course for a Litter-Free Future

Science-Policy Dialogue: Building a Collaborative Approach to Marine Litter Management

Science holds the key to tackling complex environmental challenges like marine litter. This session emphasizes the importance of bridging the gap between scientific research and policy development. By fostering dialogue and collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders, we can develop and implement effective policy frameworks that chart a course towards a litter-free future for our oceans.

  • Discuss the importance of science-based policy making to address marine litter challenges.
  • Explore strategies to bridge the gap between scientific research and policy development.
  • Facilitate dialogue among researchers, policymakers, stakeholders, and industry representatives on effective policy frameworks for marine litter management.
  • Discuss opportunities for international collaboration and knowledge exchange to develop and implement effective policies for a litter-free future.